Changing the way the world builds

Monash Health RESUS Facility setup by Spacecube

The way we do things has changed so much in the last 12 months. Whether it is watching our favourite sport, meeting friends for a bite to eat, where to work or just going to the supermarket. Due to Covid we need to think more about the everyday tasks that were previously simple.

It was a pleasure to talk to the ABC News ( about how Covid is forcing new thinking and changes to the design of temporary infrastructure and modular construction. We can no longer just do what we have always done. McKinsey & Company called this out in a report last year, The Next Normal in Construction,  that the development of modular construction will accelerate due to Covid. The report outlines “A portion of the market might be composed of prefinished volumetric modules, and customizable, LEGO-like, modularized elements and components could become the industry standard”.

Spacecube believe we can change the way the world builds, and we are seeing a rapid increase in an aligned thinking so the next normal of construction is happening faster than pre-covid.

Spacecube have been responding to this for the last 12months with Spacecube’s pre-engineered, rapid deployable temporary structures that are relocatable, reconfigurable and premium. The discussions that Spacecube have been having with clients is very much about the ability to have flexibility and using modular construction that can be fitted out off site and then deployed quickly, but have the ability to be relocated or reconfigured to a changing world.

Perhaps an opportunity from this crisis is that infrastructure is like everything now that we take the time to think through the process. With construction projects let’s take time to think about how todays need can harness the advantages of modular construction to ensure the project has a second or third life. This could be through relocating, reusing or reconfiguring and we can have more adaptable modular construction that provides as sustainable solution by significantly reducing construction waste.

Spacecube believe we can change the way the world builds, and we are seeing a rapid increase in an aligned thinking so the next normal of construction is happening faster than pre-covid.


Over 20 years of experience as a leader in the events and entertainment industry. Mark has strategically led and motivated the SPACECUBE team through an incredibly challenging climate, from the impacts of COVID-19 through to extreme weather-related events and disasters.


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