spacecube build system
for Healthcare
We will help save lives and take the pressure off existing resources by providing additional, immediate and high-quality building solutions to help you deliver the medical care your community deserves. Our modular construction solutions will replicate the existing building infrastructure and expand your current capacity. We will minimise the erection time, reduce the red tape and effectively deliver the spaces your staff and patients so urgently require to improve their health and well-being. We are proactive and responsive and thrive on fulfilling challenging briefs that may ordinarily be unachievable For quality medical facilities, delivered on time and within budget contact us today

Modular Hospital Construction Solutions
Spacecube’s unique modular building system is locally designed and engineered, quick to deploy and totally reconfigurable. This enables a quick and reliable response to any healthcare crisis or medical emergency.

We consistently deliver to very tight deadlines thanks to our reduced lead times, rapid deploy structures and highly responsive team.
Our expert team and streamlined processes will ensure timely and cost-effective project delivery.
Our unique modular building system enables timely deployment and onsite installation of your structures.
We're driven to transform your operational requirements into a functional space to meet your immediate needs.
As your plans change, our system is designed to change with it. Our highly adaptable system can be altered to meet your projects ever changing needs.
A versatile structural solution enables medical grade fit out teams to establish a semi-permanent facility within tight timelines.
Our unique system meets the engineering standards for semi-permanent and relocatable applications.
Partnering with experienced and specialist fit out service teams for best-in-class results.